ISIL Burning Alive of 19 Yazidi Kurds Simulated

ISIL Burning Alive of 19 Yazidi Kurds Simulated
Sun Jun 18, 2017 15:35:05

The ISIL terrorist group burnt alive 19 Iraqi Yazidi Kurds in 2016. In an effort to have the voice of the Yazidi Kurds’ heard by the world and their sufferings not to be slipped into oblivion, one Yazidi woman simulated a shocking scene of these crimes committed by ISIL.


ISIL Burning Alive of 19 Yazidi Kurds SimulatedISIL Burning Alive of 19 Yazidi Kurds SimulatedISIL Burning Alive of 19 Yazidi Kurds SimulatedISIL Burning Alive of 19 Yazidi Kurds Simulated