Parliament holds session after terror attack

Parliament holds session after terror attack
Sun Jun 11, 2017 16:49:37

Iranian MPs came together in the Parliament on Sunday after a terrorist attack hit one of its buildings on last Wednesday.


Parliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attackParliament holds session after terror attack