ISIS since Declaring Caliphate Executed 2450 people in Syria in 28 Month

ISIS since Declaring Caliphate Executed 2450 people in Syria in 28 Month
Sat Oct 29, 2016 14:01:55

About 2450 Syrian civilians out of 4500 persons were executed by ISIS during 28 months since declaring the Caliphate, London Based Syrian Observatory for Human right declared.

According to SOHR documents, ISIS executed 26 people in the 28th month of declaring ISIS’s alleged caliphate. The executions carried out in ISIS-held areas in Syria at the provinces of Deir Ezzor, Aleppo, Al Raqqah and Homs during the period from September 29th to October 29th of 2016.

The “Islamic State” carried out 15 executions against Syrian civilians including a child, in addition to executing 7 members of its own and 4 members of the Syrian forces, some of them were beheaded.
These 26 executions were carried out on the following charges:

“Cooperating with Syrian Government, trading cigarette, attempting to escape from the organization and leaking secrets, witchcraft, stealing by force and cutting the road”

Thus, it rises to 4467, the number of civilians, Militants, the Syrian Army Forces and the militiamen loyal to them and ISIS militants, executed by ISIS since the declaration of its Caliphate in 29/6/2014 until the morning of 29/10/2016.

Where 2436 civilian citizens were executed, including 87 children and 131 women, they were executed by shooting, beheading, stoning, throwing off high place or burning in the provinces of Damascus, Rif Dimashq, Deir Ezzor, al- Raqqa, al-Hasakah, Aleppo, Homs and Hama, including 3 massacres carried out by the organization in the provinces of Deir Ezzor, Aleppo and Hama, and among the casualties the activist in the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Jawdat al-Rabbah aka “Abu Islam”.

Also the organization executed more than 930 Arab Sunni citizens from the clan of alShaytat in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, and 223 Kurdish civilian citizen killed by the ISIS by opening fire on them and by white arm in the city of Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) and the village of Barkh Botan in the southern countryside of the city, and 46 civilian citizen executed by the organization in Al-Mab’oujeh village which is inhabited by citizens of Ismailia, Sunni and Alawite communities in the eastern countryside of Salamiyyeh city, they were burned, slaughtered and shot, and also 85 including 10 children and 8 citizen women from the families of the gunmen loyal to the regime and NDF executed by the organization in al-Bogeleyyah area in Deir Ezzor.

Also 333 is the number of fighters of the rebel and "Islamic factions", Fath al-Sham Front and YPG who were executed by the organization of the “Islamic State” after capturing them in the clashes which are taking place between the organization and the mentioned factions or of who were arrested at checkpoints for the organization in its controlled areas.

Also the “Islamic State” organization executed 494 of its own members, some of them on charges of “Ghuluww (Translator: it is an act of extremism and is against Sharia in Islam where the person ascribe a divine characteristics to Islamic figures or another person), spying for foreign countries, cooperating with the "Crusader Alliance", attempting to escape, escaping during the battel and attempting to defect “, and most of them were executed after being arrested by the organization when they were trying to return to their countries.


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