The Cheapest Prostitution Business Destination in the World: A Muslim Country!

The Cheapest Prostitution Business Destination in the World: A Muslim Country!
Sun Jun 19, 2016 14:53:32

A Muslim country, behind Thailand and the Philippines, the world's largest center for prostitution.

German newspaper mentioning the growth of the sex trade in Malaysia reported that Malaysia passing Thailand and the Philippines have become the cheapest sex trade destination in the world.

Such activities are available in the main streets of Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia.

Although Malaysia is a, Muslim country and there are Laws against prostitution and it is forbidden in the country, but not each of these restrictions hinders the country's prostitution trade, and now the sex trade in Malaysia reached 854 million Euros. also reported small prostitution and massage parlors that offer sexual services, have spread throughout Malaysia.

Statistics show that for every 10 thousand people there are 52 brothels in Malaysia, while the number 45 is in Thailand.

Experts believe that cultural deteriorating conditions in Malaysia, whichg is the result of it's development policy, based on the Western model in recent years is the cause of all these trends, welt reported.

