VIDEO: 25 ISIS Terrorist Killed, Another Village Liberated in Iraq's Mosul

Mon Jun 13, 2016 14:30:44

Iraqi security forces liberated a key village, South of Mosul, from the ISIL (Islamic State ,ISIS,IS and Daesh) control, killing 25 ISIL members during the operation, a source in Iraqi Army’s Nineveh Liberation Command announced.

“The security forces comprising the army and the armored brigade forces managed to liberate Kharaeb village in Qayyarah region from the ISIL control,” the source said in a statement, Iraqi News reported.
“The operation has resulted in the killing of 25 ISIL members, as well as destroying four booby-trapped vehicles.”

“The security forces are advancing into al-Haj Ali village in order to liberate it from the ISIL grip,” the source, who requested to remain anonymous, concluded.

VIDEO: 25 ISIS Terrorist Killed, Another Village Liberated in Iraq's Mosul

Iraqi troops attack Islamic State positions south of Mosul as the U.S.-led coalition intensifies its campaign against the militants on multiple fronts across their self-proclaimed caliphate

Iraqi soldier from 9th armored division, says: "We are advancing into Qayara after liberating many areas in Falluja, Garma, Salahuddin and a number of other areas. We will prevail, God willing. We have liberated a number of areas and we say to our people in Mosul you have been patient long enough and here we are coming to liberate you from oppressions, God willing."



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