Boy Beheaded by ISIS for Having Songs, Obscene Photos on Cellphone

Boy Beheaded by ISIS for Having Songs, Obscene Photos on Cellphone
Wed Feb 17, 2016 21:08:07

ISIS terrorists have beheaded a boy east of Mosul on charges of having obscene pictures and songs on his cell phone, an informed source in Nineveh Province announced on Tuesday.

The source said, “This morning, ISIS slaughtered a boy named Ayham with a knife in Nabi Younis area east of Mosul, on charges of having obscene pictures and songs on his cell phone.”

The source, who asked anonymity, added, “The execution was carried out after arresting the boy 20 days ago in Nabi Yunis market,” noting that, “ISIS members delivered the child’s body to his family with his head separated from his body,” IraqiNews reported.


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