UNSC Will Hold Emergency Meeting on Palestine Crisis

UNSC Will Hold Emergency Meeting on Palestine Crisis
Fri Oct 16, 2015 09:21:46

Members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) are to convene an emergency meeting to discuss the growing violence in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The urgent talks are expected to be held later on Friday after a Thursday meeting of Arab ambassadors, who warned about the escalating situation in the occupied West Bank, East al-Quds (Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip.

Weeks of violence have left at least 30 Palestinians dead, with officials in the UN, including Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, repeatedly calling for calm and an end to the bloodshed.

The clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces, which began in early October, were sparked by settler violence.

“Very Explosive” Situation

The Palestinian foreign minister and UN envoy Riyad Mansour said the UNSC has a responsibility regarding the situation, which he said has become “very explosive,” as he called for immediate UN action to quell the violence.

Mansour had earlier warned that Israel is deliberately fueling violence with Palestinians to deflect attention away from its diplomatic failures.

The Friday emergency meeting will come at the request of Jordan, which is a Security Council member. Jordanian officials have repeatedly warned Israel over the past weeks against provocations targeting Palestinians.

International condemnations are pouring in over the Israeli crackdown, with some observers warning that Tel Aviv’s provocations could open the door to a new intifida, or uprising, against the regime; Press TV reported.


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