Watch: Ordering cheeseburger while riding over a camel!

Mon Apr 28, 2014 13:32:45

The video shows a young man taking his camel ‘Jim’ through the Burger King drive through in Qatar to order a burger.

Staff at the fast food chain in Doha, were stunned when stand-up comedian Hamad Al-Amari rode up to the service window on the back of a camel called Jim . . . and ordered a cheeseburger.

'Hello sir,' he says in English. 'I tried to get a drive through over there but i couldn't. Can I have a cheeseburger, please. Just the sandwich.'

Luckily staff saw the funny side of the stunt and, after a few giggles, processed Hamad's order as though he were a regular customer.

Local police later arrived at Burger King but took no action against Hamad who asked them 'haven't you seen a man and his camel before?'

Source: Dailymail