Takfiri sheikh Omar Atrash confesses to Beirut bombing

Takfiri sheikh Omar Atrash confesses to Beirut bombing
Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:30:05

A suspect arrested in connection with a recent deadly bombing in the Lebanese capital has confessed to recruiting suicide bombers, and to having received cars rigged with explosives bound for Dahiyeh, a suburb south of Beirut.

The Lebanese army intelligence arrested Takfiri sheikh Omar Ibrahim al-Atrash, a key al-Qaeda-linked terrorist involved in recruiting suicide bombers and planning terrorist attacks, in an operation on Friday.

Quoting unnamed sources, al-Jadeed TV reported on Monday that because of his confessions and evidence, Atrash would not have any political protection, unlike previous suspects who had been released due to political pressure.

This has prompted Atrash’s supporters to attempt to secure religious and sectarian leverage for him.

Sources said that investigations with Atrash were proceeding in total secrecy, to avoid any undesired interferences.

During his arrest, the Lebanese army also confiscated numerous documents that point to his involvement with gangs that supply him with stolen cars and forging documents and license plates for such vehicles, Al Manar TV reported Friday.

According to the report, the infamous terrorist exploited his religious appearance to move stealthily between Shtoura and Beirut.

Al-Atrash has further been involved in transferring and guiding the suicide bombers prior to their entry into the southern suburb of Beirut and Hermel.

Al-Atrash, who is affiliated with more than one terrorist group, worked for Sami Al-Atrash's group which is involved in Bir al-Abed and Ruwais explosions, according to the report.

He also worked for the notorious Abdullah Azzam terrorist group, which was behind the twin bombings of the Iranian Embassy in Beirut and is widely believe to be linked to the Saudi Arabian government.
According to the Lebanese Army, Al-Atrash is further suspected of transferring suicide bombers into Lebanon and of planning explosions across the country.

He is also suspected of transferring terrorists into Syria and offering safe haven to those within the Lebanese territory.

The report further points out that Al-Atrash moved to the Syrian town of Flita and Yabroud, where booby-trapped cars are prepared and transported to the southern suburb of Beirut for terror attacks.


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