MP: Russia to veto anti-Syria resolution

MP: Russia to veto anti-Syria resolution
Fri Sep 20, 2013 17:04:32

A Syrian lawmaker has confirmed that Russia will nix any draft resolution to bring Syria under the 7th charter of the United Nations.

In an interview with Al-Alam TV news channel, Faisal Azouz said “The West failed to invade Syria under the pretext of the use of chemical weapons in Ghouta, so they shifted their tactics to impose fresh plots against Syria and Russia; in other words, opened new war front at the UNSC.”

“Western countries plan to exploit from Syria’s agreement to Russian proposal to join the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and pushed the UN to endorse a resolution against Syria under the 7th UN Chapter, but their efforts is doomed to fail.”

The chapter VII of the United Nations Charter refers to the UNSC’s authority to maintain peace.

It gives the Council the latitude to “determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression" and to take military and nonmilitary action to "restore international peace and security".

Syria has given a thumb-up to Moscow’s proposal to bring its chemical weapons under international supervision. The move has checkmated the West, including the United States which beat the war drum prior to the Russian blueprint.

Syria has welcomed Russian proposal which includes guarantees and President Bashar al-Assad has officially accepted the proposal.

However, the lawmaker said, “Russia will never surrender if the UN investigation team remain biased and will not refer to all concrete evidences in their report [on the use of chemical weapons in Syria].”

Last week Kremlin announced that the UN investigation team is not tasked to determine the party which applied chemical weapons in Syria.

“The UN investigation committee has distanced from realities under western pressure, specifically the United States and tacitly blamed the Syrian army for the use of chemical weapons,” the official said.

The international community will turn a deaf ear to the claims that Syria launched chemical attack against its own nation and Moscow will not be intimidated by the threats against Syria, he said.

“If the west presses on a UN resolution against Syria referring to the 7th charter of the United Nations, Syria will veto the draft resolution,” the lawmaker said.


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