UN-based diplomats have said inspectors' report will not blame the Syrian government for the August 21 chemical attack near Damascus.
The US National Security Agency (NSA) has routinely shared raw intelligence data with the Israeli regime without first sifting it to remove information about US citizens, a report said.
UN Security Council envoys from Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States have held talks on the Syrian chemical weapons crisis, but no agreement was reached.
Florida police have arrested infamous pastor Terry Jones before he could burn thousands of copies of Quran on the anniversary of September 11 attacks.
US Secretary of State John Kerry set off to meet his Russian counterpart Wednesday, as moves to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons switched to the diplomatic track.
Six different polls from six different outlets have come out, showing that the broad opposition to an American attack on Syria is not only intact but actually growing in spite of a solid week of pro-war campaigning by the administration.
Battling stiff resistance in Congress, US President Barack Obama has conceded that he might lose his fight for congressional support of a military strike against Syria.
US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has announced he would not file for a test vote on a resolution to strike Syria, following a day of disappointing debates.
The United States has no legal or moral authority to bomb or attack Syria and they are chemical war criminals themselves, on a much grander scale than an other country in history.
A new study warns that a US military intervention in Syria carries “substantial risks” that would escalate a long term conflict in the region.