Smartphone application hopes to cut food waste

Smartphone application hopes to cut food waste
Thu Apr 20, 2017 14:05:00

A new application is aiming to cut food waste while giving smartphone users access to discounted meals.

'Too Good to Go' app connects restaurants, cafes and other eateries to potential clients before closing time. It allows users to purchase remaining items at a discounted price, between two and four euros. The app works by showing users participating restaurants, cafes and eateries nearby.

 They are then shown how many meals are available, the time they must be collected and also the price. Restaurants are also given the option to donate their earnings to charities.

According to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, roughly one-third of food produced for human consumption every year, which is around 1.3 billion tons, is lost or wasted. Consumers in Europe and North America waste between 95 to 115 kilograms of food per-year per-person.

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