VIDEO: Houthi Ansarullah Fighters, Yemeni Army Kill 32 Saudi Mercenaries

Mon Aug 15, 2016 13:12:53

Yemen’s Ansarullah and allied army forces killed 32 Saudi-backed militants loyal to Yemen’s former regime in fierce clashes across the war-hit country from Marib and Jawf to Bayda.

Another 91 militants were injured in clashed in the three provinces, however there was no information about potential casualties among the Yemeni forces, Al Masirah Tv reports.

Meanwhile, Yemeni forces managed to take control of a number of hills in Rabia area in Marib, killing 19 militants in the process.

Also on Sunday, the Yemeni forces fired a ballistic Zelzal-3 missile at a Saudi military camp in Najran, inside Saudi Arabia, in retaliation for its military aggression.

The Yemeni forces also killed two soldiers in the Saudi region of Asir while another soldier was killed in the Faridah military camp in the Southwestern province of Jizan, also in Saudi Arabia.

Ansarullah fighters and their allies in Yemen's army have been fighting off the Saudi invasion since March 26, 2015.

Riyadh launched the war in an attempt to reinstate fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, who has resigned as Yemen’s president and seeks to grab power again by force.

Nearly 10,000 people have been killed since the onset of the aggression, according to local Yemeni sources.


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