Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Will Visit Iran Soon

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Will Visit Iran Soon
Tue Aug 11, 2015 16:14:44

A senior Palestinian official said that Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to pay a visit to Iran within the coming two months, Al-Alam News Network reports.

Ahmed Majdalani, an official in Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and aide to Abbas, who was visiting Tehran, told Xinhua that he discussed with Iranian officials arrangements for the president’s planned visit.

He added that the PLO delegation’s visit to Iran aimed at regaining and correcting Palestine’s ties with the Islamic republic.

The Palestinian delegation agreed with Iranian officials to form a joint committee to cooperate in political issues, trade exchange and education.

Abbas’s last visit to Iran was in 2012 when he joined a Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) conference in Tehran.

During his Tehran visit, Majdalani conveyed a letter from Mahmoud Abbas to Iranian leaders, explaining the situation in the Palestinian territories and the endless Israeli assaults on the Palestinians and their holy places.

Majdalani also discussed with senior Iranian officials the situation in Syria and the regional efforts to end the crisis there.

After a meeting with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Majdalani said the PA seeks to enhance its relations with Iran.

He added that the issue of ongoing tension between the PA and the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, was also raised during the meeting and hoped that Iran can play a key role in ending the dispute.

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