Ron Paul: US hides information on downing Malaysian plane

Ron Paul: US hides information on downing Malaysian plane
Sat Aug 9, 2014 18:32:00

Former republican congressman Ron Paul says the US government is "hiding" the truth behind the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which crashed in eastern Ukraine last month.

"The US government has grown strangely quiet on the accusation that it was Russia or her allies that brought down the Malaysian airliner with a Buk anti-aircraft missile," Paul said on his news website Thursday.

US officials have been trying to blame separatists in Ukraine for downing the plane that left all 298 people on board killed. But failing to provide reliable information on the matter US accusations against Russia have been seriously questioned.

Paul, though, questioned that account and said the US could be more forthcoming with information.

"It’s hard to believe that the US, with all of its spy satellites available for monitoring everything in Ukraine, that precise proof of who did what and when is not available," the former lawmaker and GOP presidential contender said.

"Too bad we can’t count on our government to just tell us the truth and show us the evidence," Paul added. "I’m convinced that it knows a lot more than it’s telling us."

After the crash, Ron Paul initially suggested the US was partly responsible for the downed plane and accused Western media and the government of spreading "propaganda."


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