VIDEO: ISIS Targets Civilian Parts of Mosul Every 15 Minutes

Sat Nov 26, 2016 09:55:02

The Mosul neighbourhood of Al Zahra was cleared of ISIS terrorists nearly three weeks ago but residents said mortars continue to land.Many people in Zahra stayed inside their houses while fighting took place around them but some families were seen packing to leave.

Alalam - Iraq

Residents in eastern parts of Mosul spoke of Islamic State (ISIS, Daesh and IS) mortar attacks,Also  lack of food, water, petrol and electricity as aid was shown being distributed in the area.

"The area has been hit by mortars almost daily," Zahra resident Ahmed Mohammed Hamza said.

"There is no water and no food. When food is distributed only the young can get food while the old cannot." Another Zahra resident said the situation in the neighbourhood was very bad.

""A mortar lands here almost every 15 minutes. All the people will die. People are now burning their dead in the gardens of their houses," said a man who identified himself as Hareth."

Many people in Zahra stayed inside their houses while fighting took place around them but families were seen packing to leave.

In the nearby neighbourhood of Tahrir aid was shown being distributed to residents.

One resident, Faraj Qrejer, said people there had not fled. He did however say there was a lack of petrol to operate generators and a lack of electricity.

"Islamic State Terrorists in Mosul are dug in among more than a million civilians as a tactic to hamper air strikes. They are try to save their so-called Calliphate toward Iraqi advancing troops with suicide car bombs and sniper and mortar fire."

Trucks loaded with basic food packages arrive every day at a square next to a military headquarters, Reuters reports.

 Iraq's Counter Terrorism Service breached ISIS frontlines in east Mosul at the end of October.

The city is ringed to the north, south and east by Iraqi government forces and Kurdish peshmerga.


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