VID: Syrian Army Inflicts Massive Losses on ISIS, Jaish Al-Fateh across Country

Thu Oct 13, 2016 14:39:10

The Syrian Army backed by armed forces on Thursday continued to launch wide-scaled military operations against dens and positions of the Takfiri terrorist organizations in different areas across the country, inflicting heavy losses upon them in the arms and personnel.

A military source confirmed that a number of tanks, heavy vehicles and machinegun-equipped vehicles belonging to ”Jaish al-Fateh” terrorists were destroyed on Thursday morning in airstrikes against their gatherings and positions in the northern countryside of Hama central province.

The source told SANA that the Syrian army air force carried out intensive strikes against positions, convoys of vehicles and supply routes belonging to the terrorist organizations in the villages and towns of Taibet al-Imam and its surroundings, Souran and to the east and north of it, Ma’rdes, Mourek, Toloul al-Humr, Tal Bazam, to the north of Tal Za’tar, Kafr Zita, Skek, Tal Howair, Atshan, Tal Tar’ai, Hisrayia, and al-Latamina in the northern countryside.

The source said that a large number of terrorists were killed in the airstrikes as many of their tanks and vehicles, some of which equipped with varied types of machineguns, were destroyed.

Another army unit ambushed a terrorist group that attempted to infiltrate from Quneitrat village into Khneifees village in the southwest countryside of Salamyieh city in the southern part of the province through detonating mines while the terrorists were passing.

Deir Ezzor
An army units killed scores of the ISIS terrorists along the eastern side of Deir Ezzor Military airport, in the farms area and near the ceramic factory.

The Syrian army air force destroyed a number of tanks and vehicles equipped with machineguns and killed ISIS terrorists in al-Sawwana area and in the surrounding of al-Shaer field in the eastern countryside of Homs province.

Air Force of the Syrian Army killed a number of “Jaish al-Fateh” terrorists and destroyed their vehicles in al-Ghassania, Jisr al-Shoghour, al-Taybat, Khan Shekhoun, al-Marj al-Akhdar and Kafar Sajna in the countryside of Idleb province.

Heavy losses were inflicted upon the terrorists in the personnel in the airstrikes and an amount of their arms, ammunition and vehicles, some of which equipped with machineguns, were destroyed.

The Army air force eliminates terrorists and destroys their cars and vehicles, some equipped with machineguns, in 1154, 1112 points, Kabaneh, and Daher Kafr Sando in the northern countryside of Lattakia.


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