Some EU, Arab states seeking Syria direct ties

Some EU, Arab states seeking Syria direct ties
Fri May 17, 2013 11:50:41

Some European and Arabian countries have started to engage in direct negotiations with Syrian government, report said.

According to Syria Damas Post news website, three European countries of Germany, Belgium and Italy have been engaged in direct contacts with Damascus to restart diplomatic relations.

The reports also said except the Saudi Arabia, half of Arab states of the Persian Gulf have also inaugurated their direct diplomatic ties with Damascus.

Quoting its own sources, the report added that in a bullying gesture further hinting a direct US interference in Syrian domestic affairs, Washington has already accepted that President Bashar al-Assad to remain on power till end of his tenure. 

The report also pointed out that main reason behind postponement of international conference of Geneva 2, in which the United States and Russia are trying to find common ground to end the Syria crisis, is to pave the ground to change US authorities’ stance over Syria crisis.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has earlier insisted that President Assad cannot be part of a transitional government in the continuing efforts by a US-led coalition of governments to find a political solution to the Syrian unrest.


This is while Russian officials have reportedly reiterated their opposition to the growing effort by the US and its European and regional allies to further intervene in Syria’s internal affairs with the stated objective of removing President Assad from power.
