Americans angry with judicial injustice in the US have held mass protests in more than 100 US cities to show their discontent with clearing of George Zimmerman of murdering charge of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Seyyed Abbas Araqchi says there have been no new developments with regards to direct negotiations between the Islamic Republic and the US.
A former White House aide says Israeli regime’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hue and cry about Iranian nuclear program is baseless.
Over a hundred US congresspersons have demanded the White House to grasp the opportunity and make amends with Iran.
US officials reportedly intend to intensify pressure on Iran over its civilian nuclear energy program in a move to calm down the Israeli regime.
Angry demonstrators have staged protests rallies in several cities in the United States following the acquittal of George Zimmerman, who shot and killed Trayvon Martin, 17.
Bolivia's President Evo Morales says US intelligence services have hacked into the email accounts of top Bolivian officials.
US sources have confirmed that Israeli regime has been behind the deadly strike on Syrian army in Latakia which killed tens of Syrian soldiers.
Irish legislator Clare Daly has criticized EU governments for turning a blind eye on spying of the US on European citizens.
The US is going ahead with plans to deliver four F-16 fighter jets to Egypt despite the political unrest in the country, senior American officials say.
A new article sheds some light on Israel’s secret world of nuclear activities hidden from the eyes of the international community.
American whistleblower Edward Snowden, who is wanted by the US administration for revealing Washington’s spy activities, is en route to Russia.
US President Barack Obama's transformation from national security dove to hawk is the norm: any president is captive to America's imperial power.
Two people have been killed at an air show plane crash in the US state of Ohio.
The lastest opinion poll by the US-based Gallup institute shows the majority of Americans disapprove of the White House decision to send weapons to insurgents in Syria.
A new report says the United States has dispatched hundreds of its Marines to Yemen on top of adding to its military equipment there.
A number of American senators are calling on US President Barack Obama to create a no-fly zone over Syria.
A new report says the US spy agency is gearing up to send weapons to insurgent groups in Syria through secret bases in Turkey and Jordan.
Russian President Vladimir Putin says he has no doubt that Iran is adhering to international commitments on nuclear non-proliferation and that the country maintains the right to a peaceful atomic program.
The majority of foreign terrorists killed in Syria between July 2012 and May of this year were found to be fighting on behalf of a terrorist group that's a front for al-Qaeda in Iraq, a new independent report says.